Sunday, May 3, 2009

Celebrating Life Change!

For me, today was the most exciting day that we've experienced thus far at South Bay Church! More exciting than the first preview? Or the Grand Opening? Or Easter? Those days were all really incredible, but today was the fruit of why we are doing what we are doing. Today South Bay Church had our first baptism celebration!

We had a total of 18 people get baptized today! 9 people had decided ahead of time to get baptized and 9 others decided spontaneously this morning. Andy gave a powerful and inspiring message explaining the significance of baptism and then people came forward to make their decision to follow Christ public.

This was a huge decision for many people. A stake in the ground. This marks a moment in time that they will always remember and look back on as the point of no return. Today their faith became more than just their own personal experience; it became a public declaration. Faith was always intended to be personal, but never private.

I was so proud of these 18 people, most of whose stories I know. I talked to two different ladies before the service who were struggling with the decision whether or not to be baptized. They both had tears in their eyes and heavy hearts as they considered what to do. I encouraged them to just allow the Word of God to teach them this morning and not hold on to any preconceived beliefs, traditions, or others’ opinions. Both of those ladies took the courageous step of obedience to be baptized today! I’m so proud of you Cynthia and Jennifer!

So many other stories I would love to share. What an awesome day of celebration! Here is a short video with a couple of stories:

Baptism 09 from South Bay Church on Vimeo.

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