Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy Birthday to my sister

From the time I was born, she was my best friend. She had 3 years on me, so she already knew her way around the world. She had so much to teach me.

Today is my sister's birthday. And there's nothing quite like the relationship two sisters can share.

She has a prominent place in every childhood memory. 

She was always so much more brave than me. I loved that about her.

She let me tag-a-long, even when having a younger sibling around wasn't ideal.

Cleaning a fish we caught in the lake. It was also on this trip that she convinced me that if you poop in the lake, it sinks. That is so NOT true!

My mom says that we would play together for hours, completely self-entertained. 

We rocked those white sweatshirts. 

Ah, the 80's... Don't miss the feathered bangs, pink socks & matching hair scrunchy.

Prom night for me. Attending a wedding for her.

We are serious about our dessert. It can be dangerous.

We loved a good road trip. Grand tour of the West with our parents in high school. Trip to the Florida/FSU game over Thanksgiving weekend. 10 days in Israel. A month in Venezuela. We were always at home if we were together.

Floating in the Dead Sea in Israel.

We're a good team. She is more fun. I am more funny. Together, we're always laughing. 

True to form, she went totally above and beyond to make my engagement special. She and Andy worked together to plan the most amazing surprises for me that night. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know...a scrapbook of our 10 month engagement, homemade purses, monogrammed burp cloths, planning special family vacations... and on, and on I could go. She is always thinking of creative and meaningful ways to express love to others.

She now has FIVE (count them, 5!) boys ages 7 and under. Although that's a formula to test the sanity of any person, she has never been more full of grace. She loves and laughs her way through motherhood, albeit with a tear here and there as well. All that practice she had nurturing me as a child is going to good use!

Instead of sharing a room like we opted to do most of our childhood, we now live about as far apart as two people can and still be in the continental US. Our road trips these days are in minivans with a kid's DVD on in the background. Our phone conversations typically last 5-10 minutes while one of us is driving from one place to another and most are ended with a child screaming and an abrupt, "I gotta go," click. But we get to journey through these years as moms with young kids together. We still understand each other in ways that few can relate. Our times together and heart-level conversations are all the more cherished because they are all the more rare. 

Of all the wonderful gifts that God has given me in this life, 
having Stephanie as my sister has got to be close to the top. 

Feliz Cumpleanos, Hermana. Te amo mucho!

"There is no better friend than a sister. There is no better sister than you."

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