Thursday, March 14, 2013

ME- in 5 sentences or less

Andy & I were so honored to be ask to speak for part of the SEND Conference in July. It's going to be an awesome event for a lot of leaders who are passionate about seeing the love Jesus made known throughout North America. Andy & I are NOT main-stage speakers. No, no, no. Not nearly that important. But! We are excited just to get to be there and do a breakout session.

Today they asked for my bio.


How would you sum up the totality of who you are in just a few sentences? What gives the best glimpse of your life? Your history? Your education? Your job-title?

Here's what I came up with. Yes, I'm serious. I actually sent this in to be printed.

Stacie and her husband, Andy, moved cross-country to San Jose, CA in August '08 to start South Bay Church. They have two boys, Caedmon (6) and Sammy (4). She spends most days in yoga pants cleaning up peanut butter smears and spilt milk. She homeschools when they get around to it and thinks the day has been an enormous success if she can work out, shower, read her Bible, and write a blog post all in one day. She is an expert at building LEGO creations, a champion at UNO, and has been known to bust a move in a spontaneous dance party in the living room.

I thought that captured my life pretty well. I hope they like it (and will still let me speak)!

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