Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hide 'Em In Their Hearts

Caedmon has been working very hard to earn money around here because Bay Kids is having a boys vs. girls competition to see who can raise more money for South Bay's Forward initiative. Caedmon has four chores that he can earn stickers for throughout the week (stay in bed, clean up, practice riding bike, get ready for bed without complaining). Each sticker is worth one dime and one M&M.

We also started a new incentive program last week that has been WONDERFUL! I made a Bible Memory Verse chart and put it right by our kitchen table. Now our meal times are full of scripture memory, and Caedmon is the one pushing to learn them! So cool. Last week we practiced all week and then on Saturday he quoted me all the ones he could remember. He earned one dime/M&M for every verse he could remember and an extra dime/M&M if he could remember the reference.

How can a young man keep his way pure?
By living according to Your Word.
I seek You with all my heart;
Do not let me stray from Your commands.
I have hidden Your Word in my heart
That I might not sin against You.
                         Psalm 119:9-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful that you share scripture with your kids at the dinner table!

Here's a great coloring book that tells the story of salvation to kids.

God Bless your family.