Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How Bad Do You Want It?

Recently I started attending staff meetings at South Bay Church. Not so much because my role at South Bay is changing, but more because South Bay is changing. You see, in the early days, staff meeting was in my living room during Caedmon's naptime. I knew the ends and outs of everything that was going on with South Bay and felt very much a part of the team.

But as South Bay has grown and our family has grown, I've begun feeling a little disconnected. My desire to be a part is as strong as ever, but we're a far cry from staff meetings in my living room these days!

Andy invited me to start coming to staff meeting and I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner. I absolutely LOVE being there! I really don't contribute much, but I am learning a ton by sitting under Andy's leadership as he takes our staff through leadership development. (He's a pretty remarkable leader, by the way!) I feel so much more connected to our staff and I have a much better understanding of what's going on in the organization. Staff meeting is one of the highlights of my week. Win! Win! Win!

HOWEVER, it is not at all easy for me to get there! No, no, no. Quite the contrary.

For example...

Last week my childcare fell through the night before because her son got sick. So I was scrambling to find a friend who could help me out on short notice. I spent the morning texting back and forth to work out the details.
The meeting was scheduled to begin at 11:00. No biggie right?
* Shower? Check!
* Breakfast? Check!
* Homeschool? Check minus!

I began packing the car around 9:30. I'd get the boys rolling on some schoolwork and then go stick a bag in the car. Help with a math problem. Another bag. Sound out a word. Put mascara on. Practice sight words. Soothe my crying baby. It was controlled, productive chaos.

Might I mention that it is no small feat to get myself and three Littles fed, clothed, and somewhat clean? I just recently got back in the routine of daily showers for crying out loud! But, somehow I did it AND found matching shoes for everyone. WIN!

The thing that blew my mind was how much I had to pack for a 3 hour outing!

  • unfinished schoolwork
  • picnic lunch for the boys
  • toys (my friend doesn't have young kids at home, thus no toys)
  • milk for Karis, bottle, bottle warmer
  • bassinet & swaddling blanket so Karis could nap
  • diaper bag fully packed
  • breast pump
  • storage bag for milk, insulated bag, frozen cold pack to keep milk cool
  • calendar, journal, bible
  • snacks leftover from a party to take to staff
I was practically panting and in a dead sweat by the time everything was loaded in the van!

But, by golly, I got there. An embarrassing 15 minutes late, but you better believe I enjoyed every single second of it. Something to challenge my brain and stir my heart. It is WORTH the effort to me. 

Don't we all have things like that? Something that seems like a ridiculous amount of trouble to someone else might make perfect sense to you. Because some things in life are not worth the hassle, but other things most certainly are!

It's all comes down to: how bad do you want it?


Anonymous said...

Really enjoy having you in staff!! But knowing this makes me appreciate it even more. :) - LT

Syzette said...

Loved this! <3 Thanks for always sharing your daily struggles and your shining passion to overcome them. Love you!

Jane in TX said...

I wish I lived A LOT closer so I could come to YOUR house to care for your 3 precious little ones on Staff Mtg. days.

Mandy said...

I couldn't agree more! I love soaking in all of the wisdom there around the table. Good stuff.