Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is God Green?

Today is Earth Day. Now, I have to be honest...I was never one to celebrate Earth Day before moving to California. Never even knew when it was. We did our part and recycled a little while living in Texas, but I've always been rather skeptical of those crazy tree-hugging, save-the-snails-advocating kind of people.

Recently, I listened to a phenomenal message by John Ortberg (pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian and best selling author of The Life You've Always Wanted) entitled "Is God Green?" In the message he gives the most well crafted, biblically supported, logically succinct argument for how Christians should interact with creation that I've ever heard. So, in honor of "Earth Day" I wanted to encourage you to make some time to listen to it. Click here to download the message.

There are two reasons why I think Christians should care about the environment:

1-  Environmental issues matter a whole lot to a whole lot of people around us. Many of those people are not Christians. If they believe that being a Christian means abusing, neglecting, or being indifferent about the environment, that is going to be a major barrier in trying to share with them the love of Christ.

2-  As Christians, we have a unique responsibility to be good stewards of the earth that God has given us. Part of our job is to help nature flourish as God intends it to flourish. When we protect creation, we protect the work of God. When we admire creation, we admire the goodness of God. Creation is the artwork of God. It is an expression of who He is. Creation can inspire in us wonder, gratitude, and humility. And who doesn't need more of those qualities?

Northern California has some of the most breath-taking, awe-inspiring beauty that creation holds. When I see all the flowers in bloom around our apartments, when I stand next to a giant Sequoia in the Muir Wood Forest, when I breathe in the sea as I marvel at Big Sur, when I enjoy a well manicured garden, when I hold a newborn baby...I am drawn to worship. So today, on Earth Day, allow creation to lead you to your Creator.

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