Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Week: Sammy

Next up in the Love Week line up is Samuel Wondimu Wood. Here's my Top 10 for Sammy:
  1. I love how Sammy is 100% committed to running around the house naked every chance he gets.
  2. I love that Sammy is a great eater...unlike some other unnamed children in my household. 
  3. I love how Sammy will suddenly look at you and say, "Five five!" which means he wants a high five.
  4. Sammy truly may have one of THE most adorable smiles ever given to a child.
  5. I love the way his skin feels. There is something different about black people skin. It is so smooth and the muscles are so firm and dense. It just feels different and I love to touch his beautiful skin.
  6. I love how he sings "Jesus, Bible" when he knows it's time for bed. That means he wants me to sings, "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so." He got the two most important words right!
  7.  I love that he thinks he is hysterical and the best thing that ever happened to planet earth. And he doesn't really care if you agree with him. He is one resilient little fella.
  8. I love to watch Sammy dance...especially to Ethiopian music. So stinkin cute.
  9. I love how he comes running when I pick him up from Bay Kids every Sunday. Not sure if he's running to see me or to get the treat that he knows I brought him. But, hey, I'll take it!
  10. I love when people look confused when they see us out in public and I simply smile and say, "He's mine." 

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