Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We really enjoyed getting to spend time with some dear friends this past month. One of my roommates from college, Kendall, and her husband, David, came out for a long weekend. Because our staff team all originally met during college, our whole staff knew Kendall. Below is a picture of us all crammed in The Counter, the best burger restaurant in the Silicon Valley.
Another super fun visit was with Kim, one of my best friends from our time in Texas. We had a really busy weekend when she was here because we had 40 people in town from a mission team to help with an event at which South Bay was serving. Typical for Kim's character, she just jumped right in and served wherever she was needed.

Kim is my "fun-friend" and I always laugh a ton when I'm with her. Here we are tearing up a huge bowl of pho with some Thai iced-tea. Mmmmm... She also took me shopping and helped me take the plunge into the world of skinny jeans.

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