Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We got a phone call yesterday morning from our adoption agency letting us know that we have a confirmed Embassy appointment of September 1st! This means that we will be able to travel back to Ethiopia, get his passport and visa, and BRING HIM HOME!! Are tentative travel dates (we've not yet booked flights) are August 29 or 30 to September 4 or 5.

We actually were cleared for the August 18th Embassy appointment but because of conflicts here we are unable to travel next week. That makes me a little crazy knowing that I could be with Wondimu this time next week. But we are just THRILLED to have a confirmed date and that the end is in sight.

All of these longings are about to be fulfilled! Thank you, Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise be to our Awesome GOD:) great News. Thank you God, for hearing our fervent prayers and always providing;just in time.BJ