Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Caedmon's Bible

Caedmon is really loving his Bible right now...almost like an obsession. He wants to read it first thing in the morning, before he goes to sleep, and multiple times throughout the day. He's also getting all the Bible "lingo" down. For example:
"Climb tree" means "Let's read the story about Zaccheaus."
"Puffy clouds" means "Let's read the story about creation."
"Jesus hold you" is referring to when Jesus allows the little children to come to Him. (this is his favorite story which is probably read 6 times a day)

He also likes when Jesus calms the storm and says, "Funder, Funder!" meaning "Thunder, thunder."

This past Sunday Caedmon asked (for the first time) if he could take his Bible to church. Then, today I told him we needed to put our shoes on because we were going some where. "Church?" he asked.

"Not today. Today we're going to the grocery store."

But I guess it's all the same to him because as I pushed the cart up and down the aisles Caedmon kept raising his hands and shouting, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" My child, the charismatic!

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